Tracey Frugoli
Videogenique proudly presents “Works of Art”, a series of time-lapse videos that aspire to:
- wow viewers by showing the making of beautiful art pieces
- promote local artists by displaying all the work, passion and talent involved in their work
This first Video has been recorded and edited for Tracey Frugoli, painter and photographer in Peoria, IL
If you are an artist in the Peoria area and are interested in showing your art in the making , contact me!
About this painting:
This painting entitled “Juliet” of ballerina Rebekah von Rathonyi (who will be performing at the Cornerstone Academy for Perfoming Arts on Feb 14, 2012 ) was accepted into “Salon International” at Greenhouse Gallery in San Antonio.
About Tracey:
For me, making art is like breathing. It describes my very essence. Just as a certain collection of notes and sounds in music can haunt the soul, color notes and paint strokes in oil stir a visceral reaction in me. My work is about light, color, movement, and relationships all within the traditional picture plane. Novelty and shock wear off, but truth endures. This is why a painter can devote an entire lifetime to the pursuit of it. Painting the beauty of the natural world in rich oil passages provides, for me, a sense of connection to that which is greater than me. When I am painting, I am both humbled and accepted. When you view or purchase my work, you too are offered that connection, that reaction. The paintings offer a piece in the puzzle of what we search for to complete us. Some people look to prayer, to God, to The Buddha, to nature, or to each other. Whatever it may be, these paintings, these experiences, are my prayer.